Traveling to Sweden is both exciting and at times challenging, you have a whole new culture in front of you and new customs to learn, usually a whole array of new interesting foods and drinks is waiting for you in here in Sweden, and also something you can try out in your cabin at your own time. You’ll meet people that grew up very different from you or sometimes you discover that both the people and the foods are actually not that far off from what you’re used to in your homeland. One thing that most countries do have in common is that they have their own language. Suddenly you’re standing there, just fresh off the plane, in a country you always dreamed of visiting and now finally you have arrived to your cabin in Sweden. That’s when it dawns on you, you can’t understand anything of what they’re saying, because Swedish is a totally new language for you. 

In today’s world and society we live in, English is the universal language and in Sweden they start to teach English in early school years. In Sweden you’ll probably get away with speaking English during your whole visit, even though this might be the case it’s always fun for you as a tourist, and also appreciated by the domestic population, if you try and learn some common phrases of the language spoken in Sweden.

We at the swedish cabin agency, have here put together a few common words, comments and useful phrases in Swedish that we hope you try to learn during your stay in your rented cabin here in Sweden. 

Common Swedish words and phrases

Learn common Swedish words and phrases to use and say when you’re communicating with the landlord at the cabin.

English phrase: Swedish phrase:
Cabin Stuga
Sweden Sverige
Hello! Hej! Hallå! Hejsan! Tjena!
Goodbye Hej då
Good morning God morgon
Good evening God kväll
Good day Goddag
Good night God natt

Youtube: Popular Swedish Greeting Phrases

English phrase: Swedish phrase:
See you later! Vi ses
Talk to you later Vi hörs
The same to you Detsamma
Have a nice day Ha det bra
My name is… Jag heter…
What is your name? Vad heter du?
How are you? Hur är det?
Nice to meet you Trevligt att träffas
And you? Och med dig?
Thank you Tack
Excuse me Ursäkta
It was nothing Det var så lite
You’re welcome Varsågod
What a nice cabin Vilken fin stuga

Youtube: Swedish Phrases for Your Flirt or Small Talk in Sweden

Transportation to and from your cabin

English phrase: Swedish phrase:
Bus Buss
Train Tåg
Car Bil
Boat Båt
Rental car Hyrbil
Bike Cykel
Plane Flygplan
Subway Tunnelbana
Public transportation Kollektivtrafik
Ticket Biljett
When does the bus leave? När går bussen?
How do I get to…? Hur tar jag mig till…?

When you leave your cabin to go shopping

English phrase: Swedish phrase:
Do you need help? Behöver du hjälp?
How much does this cost? Hur mycket kostar det här?
Yes, please Ja, tack
No, thank you Nej, tack
I’m just looking Jag tittar Bara

I dont understand Swedish

Swedish is a northern Germanic language spoken in all of Sweden, during your stay here you might notice many English words incorporated with Swedish words, for instance Cat is almost the same in Swedish (Katt) as in English. With the younger generation you might also notice that they use many, especially American English words, with today’s internet and TV shows it’s more or less inevitable that the kids will learn common English words and phrases used in their favorite songs and TV shows.

We at the cabin agency hope you’ll have a pleasant stay in your rented cabin and that you’ll have a wonderful vacation here in Sweden.